
I’m James Brook, a retired old codger who watches Freeview TV. Streaming services like Netflix and Disney+ all want paying once a month and, as we all know, monthly subscriptions have a nasty habit of going on forever. So I don’t watch them.

Instead, I watch FreeView. It should see me out

This is an AI generated image from 'A wavy line drawing of a wise old man wearing headphones and speaking into a large microphone.'  It looks nothing like me, and I really don't understand what is happening to his left eye.  Anyway, I have plenty more where that came from, and intend to change it randomly in the future.

This is an AI generated image from 'A wavy line drawing of a wise old man wearing headphones and speaking into a large microphone.'

It looks nothing like me, and I really don't understand what is happening to his left eye.

Anyway, I have plenty more where that came from, and intend to change it randomly in the future.

And, if you're wondering where the usual social media buttons have got to, I can't be bothered with them.




About the Host

James Brook
